Modern Day Sniper Podcast
The Modern Day Sniper Podcast is your ultimate source for insights and discussions on the sniper lifestyle, from active duty to life beyond the uniform. Hosted by Caylen Wojcik, join us as we explore the art and science of precision shooting, the mental and physical discipline required, and the ongoing journey of self-improvement and mastery. Caylen began his professional journey as a rifleman in the US Marine Corps, where he served as a Scout/Sniper and instructor. He trained Marines, soldiers, and Navy operatives in marksmanship and urban combat tactics. After sustaining severe injuries in 2004, Caylen passed his experience to new snipers before leaving active duty. Since then, he has taught precision rifle skills to hundreds of military, law enforcement, and civilians.
Wednesday Apr 14, 2021
Wednesday Apr 14, 2021
Caylen and Phil are competing at the NRL Gemstate match in Idaho and debriefing their performance after day 1. With them, is Patrick Lorenzo who served as a Scout Sniper in 3/7 from 2007-2011 and deployed with them to Sangin for their Afghanistan deployment. Patrick talks about his experiences as a combat Sniper and what he’s currently up to today after leaving the service. Caylen and Phil catch up with current events, some danger close items such as in person classes and online classes. Thanks for listening and keep your face on the gun.
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Wednesday Mar 10, 2021
MDS Episode #0041: Fieldcraft With Cody Carroll
Wednesday Mar 10, 2021
Wednesday Mar 10, 2021
We’re back with our weekly drops with an episode that many have asked for, and we’re happy to bring Cody Carroll back to the podcast to discuss the topic of fieldcraft. Fieldcraft is a large subject and Caylen, Phil, and Cody discuss the wavetops of the core competencies, and setting the stage for future episodes that will be focused on specific tasks within the realm of fieldcraft. There’s plenty of great information in here as the team discusses everything from navigation, route planning, equipment requirements, camouflage, stalking, ghillie suits, and planning considerations.
The Soldier’s Load and the Mobility of a Nation
The Mission, the Men, and Me: Lessons from a Former Delta Force Commander
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Sign up for our San Diego County, CA PR101 Class in March -
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Wednesday Mar 03, 2021
MDS Episode #0040: MDS's foray into the digital space with Brian Bear Butler
Wednesday Mar 03, 2021
Wednesday Mar 03, 2021
We’re joined by a special guest this episode, Brian Bear Butler. We’re about to celebrate our 1-year anniversary and we thought it fitting to have Brian on as a guest to discuss how Modern Day Sniper’s foray into the digital space occurred, what the past year has brought us in terms of both business and personal development, and a look into where we’re going. Brian played a vital role in our podcast creation and videography and we couldn’t be more grateful to have him as part of our team.
Brian's links:
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Sign up for our San Diego County, CA PR101 Class in March -
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Sunday Feb 07, 2021
Sunday Feb 07, 2021
Caylen and Phil are down in Volusia County for the beginning of their 2021 In-Person training season. In this podcast, they recap on the launch of their subscription service, Modern Day Rifleman/Sniper Monthly in which the first two topics of discussion were “Rifle Set Up” with Phil and “What It Means To Be Kind To Yourself” with Caylen. They talk about some good questions that came along with that during the webinar as well as dive down many rabbit holes, per usual. They finish off with recapping some of their recent matches and what it should mean as a rifleman to compete. Thanks for listening guys and keep your face on the gun.
Join our Mighty Networks Modern Day Rifleman group -
Sign up for our San Diego County, CA PR101 Class in March -
Online Schoolhouse
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Friday Jan 29, 2021
MDS Episode #0038: Western Precision Rifle and Techniques on Engaging Movers
Friday Jan 29, 2021
Friday Jan 29, 2021
In this podcast Phil brings on a special guest and good friend to Modern Day Sniper, Pete Kneip. Pete is the owner of Precision Shooting Solutions who fabricates moving targets. Pete and Phil discuss Western Precision Rifle and the concept of building up the shooting community in the Montana and Wyoming area. They talk about the "Why another shooting organization?" and the tiered scoring system in 3 different classes. Because Pete builds movers, they talk about different techniques on how they like to engage movers! Thanks for listening and keep your face on the gun.
In Person Training
February 6-9, 2021 - PR101 - Volusia County, FL
February 11-13, 2021 - PR201 - Volusia County, FL
March 15-18, 2021 - PR101 - San Diego County, CA (Pala Rifle Range)
Online Schoolhouse
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MDS Instagram
Thursday Jan 28, 2021
MDS Episode #0037: Shooter's Journal and Kraft Challenge
Thursday Jan 28, 2021
Thursday Jan 28, 2021
In this episode, Caylen and Phil talk about the recent matches that Caylen has attended. Caylen talks about his mental focus versus performance. They discuss their individual Shooter's Journal and Phil goes over his "Rifleman's List" in preparation for the release of the subscription service. Both Caylen and Phil have done Chris Way's KRAFT Challenge and talk about how they ran it and how YOU should run it in your first attempt to establish your individual baseline.
In Person Training
February 6-9, 2021 - PR101 - Volusia County, FL
February 11-13, 2021 - PR201 - Volusia County, FL
March 15-18, 2021 - PR101 - San Diego County, CA (Pala Rifle Range)
Online Schoolhouse
MDS Training
MDS Instagram
Wednesday Dec 23, 2020
MDS Episode #0036: What does it take to win a military sniper match?
Wednesday Dec 23, 2020
Wednesday Dec 23, 2020
In this episode, Phil and Caylen bring on Tristan Ivkov and Max Miller who are snipers in the Colorado National Guard and are the recent winners of the Winston P Wilson Sniper Match held by the National Guard Marksmanship Training Center. They talk about what set them up for success for winning their division and what they experienced during the competition. Learn how these young snipers were able to stand out amongst a field of some of the best snipers in the nation! Thanks for listening and keep your face on the gun!
Tristan Ivkov:
Max Miller:
Live Webinar: Alchemy of a Rifleman
MDS Training
MDS Instagram
Wednesday Dec 16, 2020
MDS Episode #0035: What's a Webinar, the year in review, and course debriefs
Wednesday Dec 16, 2020
Wednesday Dec 16, 2020
Caylen and Phil are back on the mic talking about an upcoming live webinar that Caylen will be hosting, the year in review and a recent military course they taught for the Marines of 4th Reconnaissance Battalion down at Rifles Only with Jacob Bynum and Lindy Sisk. The course debrief points talk about training scars imparted on both the body and the brain resulting from improperly focused training. It’s a good episode with lots to glean.
Live Webinar: Alchemy of a Rifleman
MDS Training
MDS Instagram
Thursday Nov 26, 2020
MDS Episode #0034: Training, Mindfulness, New Courses, Holiday Sales
Thursday Nov 26, 2020
Thursday Nov 26, 2020
Caylen and Phil jump right into the mix of things opening the discussion on training, mission statements, definitions, what it means to be a volunteer, and debrief bits from the recent Advanced Law Enforcement course in south Florida last week. They discuss some upcoming events and releases such as the pre-release of the 2021 schedule and new online learning opportunities. They wrap the conversation speaking about what it means to be present, the generalities of ego, and non-attachment to outcomes.
Live Webinar: Alchemy of a Rifleman
MDS Training
MDS Instagram
Wednesday Nov 25, 2020
MDS Episode #0033: Pigg River 2020
Wednesday Nov 25, 2020
Wednesday Nov 25, 2020
Caylen and Phil are in Rocky Mount, VA for their PR101 and Positional Clinic at Pigg River. They talk about the Pigg River Precision Facility and the true southern hospitality they've received since coming to Virginia. The Modern Day Sniper team talks about the current class and the different backgrounds the students come from. Phil talks about his experience as an "Assistant" instructor observing Caylen conduct his first few days of PR101 and the progression of the student and a lot more! Thanks for listening, and if you're in the area, don't forget to check out Pigg River Precision events for 2021! Keep your face on the gun.
Live Webinar: Alchemy of a Rifleman
MDS Training
MDS Instagram