Modern Day Sniper Podcast
The Modern Day Sniper Podcast is your ultimate source for insights and discussions on the sniper lifestyle, from active duty to life beyond the uniform. Hosted by Caylen Wojcik, join us as we explore the art and science of precision shooting, the mental and physical discipline required, and the ongoing journey of self-improvement and mastery. Caylen began his professional journey as a rifleman in the US Marine Corps, where he served as a Scout/Sniper and instructor. He trained Marines, soldiers, and Navy operatives in marksmanship and urban combat tactics. After sustaining severe injuries in 2004, Caylen passed his experience to new snipers before leaving active duty. Since then, he has taught precision rifle skills to hundreds of military, law enforcement, and civilians.
Wednesday Sep 08, 2021
MDS Episode #0052: Milling, A Legacy Skill
Wednesday Sep 08, 2021
Wednesday Sep 08, 2021
Caylen and Phillip dive into a contentious topic among the sniper community; the practicality of maintaining such a high emphasis on using the mil relation formula to establish ranges to targets at the basic sniper skill level. Caylen and Phil discuss the origin and history of range estimation with milliradians and how even modern reticle designs are still not accurate enough to produce ranges to targets that reliably fall within the danger space of the currently fired projectiles.
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Thursday Sep 02, 2021
MDS Episode #0051: Ohio Range Day Recap
Thursday Sep 02, 2021
Thursday Sep 02, 2021
Caylen and Phil catch up and recap Phil’s trip to Ohio for the Ohio Range Day. Phil presents the question of “how long does it take to build consistency?” and “how much time does a teacher need to get students to be consistent with a precision rifle”? The pair also discuss some common trends in the precision shooting industry regarding gear and setups. They cover a lot of information and there’s plenty of bits in the episode to grab!
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Wednesday Aug 18, 2021
MDS Episode #0050: NRL Hunter Finale Part 2
Wednesday Aug 18, 2021
Wednesday Aug 18, 2021
Caylen and Phil get together to wrap up their discussion on the NRL Hunter Finale. The conversation leads into discussions on competitive mindset, gear selection for competition and the difference between playing the game of competition vs. the practical use of the rifle for whatever application you’re using it for. They discuss the new Wilderness Land Navigation Masterclass and the newly released Prep To Hunt vlog series.
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Friday Aug 13, 2021
MDS Episode #0049: NRL Hunter Grand Slam Pt. 1
Friday Aug 13, 2021
Friday Aug 13, 2021
Caylen and Phil are together down in Grand Junction CO shooting the NRL Hunter Grand Slam. They recently taught a class with Stone Glacier up at Heart Mountain to help the team there get ready for their hunting season. Caylen talks about shooting the Range Officer match, which is new to the NRL series in which the RO's shoot the whole course of fire (20 stages) in 1 day to help with the match over the weekend. They catch up on current events, mindset and also talk about new upcoming courses and the naming convention for courses in 2022. Thanks for listening and keep your face on the gun.
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Wednesday Jun 30, 2021
MDS Episode #0048: Wind, The Great Equalizer
Wednesday Jun 30, 2021
Wednesday Jun 30, 2021
Wind, the great equalizer of the long range shooter. Many of us are humbled by it on a daily basis, regardless if we’re professionals or novices. We’re overdue for a technical topic so in this episode Caylen and Phil tackle this phenomenon and talk about their process for interpreting the wind and using that information to derive a correction. They talk about the influence that terrain has on the wind, wind gradients, their experiences with over-hyped terms such as aerodynamic jump, and understanding how crosswind components are key to accurate wind calls.
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Online Positional Course Masterclass
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Wednesday Jun 23, 2021
MDS Episode #0047: There is No Mindfulness Behind the Rifle without Kass
Wednesday Jun 23, 2021
Wednesday Jun 23, 2021
We hosted a very special guest for this episode, the member of the Modern Day Sniper team that makes it all run behind the scenes, Mrs. Kassandra Wojcik. Kass, Caylen, and Phil discuss the beginnings of MDS and how Kass’s knowledge of technology helped establish the Modern Day Sniper Schoolhouse. The statement of “there is no mindfulness behind the rifle without Kass” is the truth, and the trio discuss some of the high-level points of the psyche, the ego, and what you’re really doing when you sink into the moment of shooting a rifle.
Modern Day Rifleman Network
Online Positional Course Masterclass
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Thursday Jun 17, 2021
MDS Episode #0046: Back to "The Why?"
Thursday Jun 17, 2021
Thursday Jun 17, 2021
In this episode, Caylen and Phillip circle back around to their "Why?" They talk about the progression of Modern Day Sniper and the building of the "Modern Day Rifleman" community and why it's important to them. Caylen and Phillip dive deep into the "Why?" they do what they do on social media, podcasts and In-Person courses.
Modern Day Rifleman Network
Online Positional Course Masterclass
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Wednesday Jun 09, 2021
MDS Episode #0045: Winning the Granite Creek Sniper Challenge
Wednesday Jun 09, 2021
Wednesday Jun 09, 2021
Caylen and Phillip are back together in Yakima for a few weeks of June. They're just coming off their Win at the Granite Creek Sniper Challenge hosted in Montana underneath the Rifleman's Team Challenge. They bested over 40 teams, which some of them have years of experience shooting together. With this being Caylen and Phillip's first time shooting together, they talk about how they prepared for it, what gear, bullet and cartridge they used and what they feel made them successful on both days. Thanks for listening and keep your face on the gun.
Modern Day Rifleman Network
Online Positional Course Masterclass
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Wednesday May 26, 2021
MDS Episode #0044: David Baker of the Just F’n Send It Podcast
Wednesday May 26, 2021
Wednesday May 26, 2021
Caylen and Phil invite the hilarious and articulate David Baker of the Just F’n Send It Podcast for another conversation on all things in life, kids growing up, and balancing activities. Caylen and Phil discuss some past law enforcement sniper and open enrollment classes and the teaching points from them, as well as a recap on some matches that were shot. The trio discuss the intricacies of the shooter’s process and how important being able to handle and drive the rifle is when moving and transitioning from position to position. Plenty of great bits in here to grab!
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Wednesday Apr 21, 2021
MDS Episode #0043: Training with Intention
Wednesday Apr 21, 2021
Wednesday Apr 21, 2021
Caylen and Phil discuss some of the recent matches they participated in and connect those experiences to how they view their own personal progression as riflemen and evaluate what is truly possible with a rifle in the year 2021. They discuss the mental and emotional aspects of evaluating personal performance, and ways to keep the mind in check by practicing non-attachment to the outcome of performance, as well as talking points on how to train for different types of events. The conversation progresses into what’s new and upcoming at Modern Day Sniper, which isn’t going to be something you’ll want to miss!
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